Scanning Multiple Pages into a Single File
Scanning Multiple Pages into a Single File
You can scan multiple pages into a single file.
Select the standby mode for additional originals from the following:
• Wait a specified length of time for next originals (Time limit set)
• Wait indefinitely for next originals (No time limit set)
❒ The machine will not switch to energy saver mode while waiting for addition-
al originals.
❒ While the machine is waiting for additional originals, you can change scan
When a Time Limit Is Specified for Additional Originals
Specify the waiting time in seconds for placing the additional originals in ad-
You can specify the waiting time under [Scanner Features]-[Next Original Wait Set-
ting]- [Set Wait Time].
A Specify scan settings and orientation for your originals.
For details about scan settings, see "Specifying Scan Settings".
For details about original orientation, see "Setting Original Orientation".
B Make sure [Next Original Wait] is not selected.
For details about selecting [Next Original Wait], see "Waiting for Additional
C Make the necessary settings for sending by e-mail or Scan to Folder, stor-
ing, or delivering.
For details about settings for sending by e-mail or Scan to Folder, storing, or
delivering, see "Basic Operation for Sending Scan Files by E-mail", "Basic Op-
erations When Using Scan to Folder", "Basic Operation for Storing Scan Files"
or "Basic Operation for Delivering Files".
D Place the originals.
Originals are scanned in order. Place them from the first page. When scan-
ning finishes, the time remaining for the next original is displayed. The select-
ed destination is displayed while the machine is waiting for additional