• [Wireless LAN Settings]
Enter the SSID name. Can contain 32 characters.
When you click [Scan List], a list of access points that is currently available is displayed.
You can select the SSID name from the list.
• [Communication Mode]
Select Infrastructure mode or Ad Hoc mode
• [Ad-Hoc Channel]
Select a channel for Ad-Hoc mode.
• [Authentication]
Select an authentication method.
If [Ad-Hoc] is selected for [Communication Mode], you can select only [Open System]
and [Shared Key].
• [Encryption]
Select an encryption method.
If [Ad-Hoc] is selected for [Communication Mode], you can select only [None] and
• [None]
When it is ON, communication will not be secured by encryption.
• [WEP]
When it is ON, communication will be encrypted in WEP (Wired Equivalent
Specify [WEP Key Length], [WEP Transmit Key ID], and [WEP Key Format] and
enter [WEP Key]. The following table shows the number and types of characters
you can enter, depending on the key settings.
WEP key length is 64 bits WEP key length is 128 bits
WEP format is
WEP format is
WEP format is
WEP format is
WEP key max
10 characters 5 characters 26 characters 13 characters
WEP key valid
0–9, A–F, a–f 0x20–0x7e 0–9, A–F, a–f 0x20–0x7e
• [WPA2-PSK]
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