Invalid Password
Try again
The password entered using
the control panel is not correct.
Enter the correct password using the
control panel.
Load Correct
Size Paper
/ Press #
to continue
The paper size setting on the
tray differs from that of actual
paper size in the tray.
Load { paper size } paper of the select-
ed feed direction and paper size into
the tray. Printing will not automatically
resume if the paper size and direction
setting is incorrect. Make sure that the
paper feed directions set in the printer
driver and on the control panel are the
same. There are two methods to re-
sume printing.
A Use the control panel to set the
correct paper size and direction of
the paper in tray. Then Press the
{# Enter} key .
B Press {Form Feed} and select the
tray with the control panel.
Load Paper
or Form Feed
/ Paper Size:
Paper Type:
The paper type and size set-
tings for this tray do not match
the size and type of paper actu-
ally loaded.
Load paper into the tray indicated,
then press the {# Enter} key to resume
printing. Or press {Form Feed} and se-
lect the tray that holds a different type
of paper. To cancel printing, press
{Job Reset}. Then Press the {# Enter}
key .
Load Paper:Tray #
or Form Feed
/ Paper Size:
Paper Type:
There is no paper left in this
#: tray number
Load paper into the tray indicated.
Menu Protected
Cannot change
The menu is protected and the
settings cannot be changed.
Wait for two seconds until the previ-
ous display appears.
No Files exist There are no files available for
the sample print job or the
locked print job.
Wait for two seconds until the previ-
ous display appears.
Offline The printer is offline and cannot
print data.
Press {Online} key.
Power Off On
/ If Error Reoccur
Call Service
A controller error. The SC num-
ber indicates the problem.
Turn the power off, and then on. If the
message appears again, call your
sales or service representative.
Processing... Print data is being processed. Wait a while.
RC Gate
connection error
Cannot communicate with RC
Check the device or the RC Gate net-
work connection.
Description Solution