
IEEE 802.11b TX Rate <Transfer Speed> The IEEE 802.11b transmitting speed (set
speed) is displayed.
(Example: current Tx Rate is 11 Mbps.)
IEEE 802.11b Tx Rate 11 Mbps
Transmission speeds vary depending on sig-
nal quality. Displayed values may differ from
actual transmission speed.
inetd start. An inetd has started.
<interface> started with IP: <IP address> <IP address> has been set for <Interface> and
<Interface> started.
<Interface>: Subnet overlap. Subnet from Netmask and the IP address you
tried to set for <Interface> overlap the subnet
of another interface.
Set Subnet so it does not overlap with another
IPP cancel-job: permission denied. The printer could not authenticate the name of
the user attempting to cancel a job.
ipp disable. Printing with ipp is disabled.
ipp enable. Printing with ipp is enabled.
IPP job canceled. jobid=%d. The spooled job has been canceled due to er-
ror or user request.
job canceled. jobid=%d. The spooled job has been canceled due to er-
ror or user request.
LeaseTime=<lease time>(sec), RenewTime=
<renew time>(sec).
The resource lease time received from the
DHCP server is <lease time> in seconds. The
renewal time is also <renew time> in seconds.
Login to fileserver <file server name>
(In print server mode) Logged on to the file
server with NDS or BINDERY mode.
multid start. Data transmission service for multiprotocols
has started.
Name registration failed. name=<NetBIOS
The printer could not register the name of
Name registration success in Broadcast
name=<NetBIOS name>
The NetBIOS name was successfully regis-
tered from a broadcast.
Name registration success. WINS Server=
<WINS Server Address> NetBIOS
Name=<NetBIOS name>
The NetBIOS name was successfully regis-
tered to the WINS server.
nbstart start.(NetBEUI) The server for setting the NetBEUI protocol
stack has started.
nbtd start. nbtd (NetBIOS over TCP/IP Daemon) has
started. (Available only in DHCP mode)
Message Causes and solutions