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Tip: Histogram
The histogram is a graph showing the distribution of pixels
of dierent brightness in the image. Brightness is plotted on
the horizontal axis, with shadows at the left and highlights
at the right. The vertical axis gives the number of pixels. The
histogram can be used to assess exposure and check for loss of
detail in highlights and shadows without the brightness of your
surroundings aecting your judgement. A histogram in which
pixels are clustered on the right indicates that the image may be
overexposed, while a histogram in which pixels are clustered on
the left indicates that the image may be underexposed.
Overexposed Underexposed
If the image appears to be incorrectly exposed, you may be
able to use exposure compensation to correct exposure in
subsequent photographs of the same subject (page 85; note
that exposure compensation may be insucient to produce the
correct exposure in some cases). The histogram can also be used
as a guide when adjusting contrast in photographs after shooting
(page 107).
The histogram is intended as a guide only and may not be
completely accurate, particularly in cases in which the ash is
used or ambient lighting is poor.