Select Reg My Settings.
Highlight Reg. My Settings in
the key custom options tab,
and press Fn2.
Save settings.
To assign the settings to MY1,
MY2, or MY3 on the mode dial,
highlight MY1, MY2, or MY3,
and press C/D (to exit
without saving settings, press
the DISP. button).
To save the settings to a “box”
to be recalled and assigned
to the mode dial at a later
date (page 131), select My
Settings Box and press Fn2.
Highlight the desired box
and press C/D.
Unnamed boxes will be
named using the current
date. If the box has already
been assigned a name, the
dialog shown at right will be
displayed. Select Yes to use
the current name, No to use
a name based on the current