KVM Settings
User Console
User Console settings are user-specific: a super user can customize these settings for each
individual user, and changing settings for one user does not affect settings for any other user.
Figure 26 User Console Screen
In the Remote Console Settings for User panel, click on the drop-down arrow and choose the
user whose settings you want to change from the list.
Click Update.
Note: If you do not have the necessary access rights for this task, those of administrator or super
user, you cannot change any user’s settings.
In the Remote Console Type panel, click on the radio button before the Remote Console Viewer
to use:
• Default Java VM (Virtual Machine): This option uses the default JVM in your web
browser; it can be Microsoft JVM for Internet Explorer or Sun JVM, if configured this way
(use of the Sun JVM may also be forced, see below).
• Sun Microsystems Java Browser Plugin: This option instructs your system’s web browser
to use the Sun JVM. If you select this option and the appropriate Java plug-in is not yet
installed on your system, it can be downloaded and installed automatically with an
installation wizard (download volume is 11 Mbytes).
• ActiveX control: This option instructs the web browser to use the KVM Vision Viewer (an
application available separately) ActiveX-control. This option works only with Microsoft
Internet Explorer on Win32 Systems. Please contact Raritan for more information.