1. Power OFF all computers to be connected to MCIP.
2. Plug a keyboard, monitor, and mouse into the keyboard, monitor, and mouse ports on the rear
panel of the MCIP.
Figure 3 MCIP Rear Panel
3. Power ON MCIP.
4. Using an MCIP cable (CMCIP20, 40, or 90), plug the 15-pin connector into one of the
numbered channels on the MCIP rear panel.
5. Plug the cable's other connectors into the computer's keyboard, monitor, and mouse ports.
6. Power ON the connected computer.
7. Select the connected computer using the On-Screen User Interface (please see Chapter 3:
Operations for instructions). Verify that the monitor attached to MCIP displays the video for
the connected computer. Use the keyboard and mouse attached to MCIP to verify that they
operate the connected computer.
Figure 4 MCIP Front Panel Channel Lights
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to connect the remaining computers.