What kind of encryption
does Dominion KX use?
Dominion KX utilizes industry-standard (and extremely secure) 128-bit
RC4 encryption, both in its SSL communications as well as its own data
stream. Literally no data is transmitted between remote clients and
Dominion KX that is not completely secured by encryption.
Does Dominion KX allow
encryption of video data?
Or does it only encrypt
keyboard and mouse data?
Unlike competing solutions, which only encrypt keyboard and mouse
data, Dominion KX does not compromise your security - it allows
encryption of keyboard, mouse and video data.
How does Dominion KX
integrate with external
authentication servers such
as Active Directory,
Through a very simple configuration, Dominion KX can be set to forward
all authentication requests to an external server such as LDAP, Active
Directory, or RADIUS. For each authenticated user, Dominion KX
receives from the authentication server the user group to which that user
belongs. Dominion KX then determines the user’s access permissions
depending on what user group to which he belongs.
How are usernames and
passwords stored?
Should you use Dominion KX’s internal authentication capabilities, all
sensitive information such as usernames and passwords are stored in a
hashed format. Literally no one, including Raritan technical support or
Product Engineering departments, can retrieve those usernames and
Can Dominion KX be
remotely managed and
configured via web
Yes. Dominion KX can be completely configured remotely via Web
browser. Note that this does require that your workstation have Java
Runtime Environment 1.4.x (or later) installed.
Besides the initial setting of Dominion KX’s IP address, everything about
the solution can be completely set up over the network. (In fact, using a
crossover Ethernet cable and Dominion KX’s can configure even the
initial settings configured via Web browser.)
Can I backup and restore
Dominion KX’s
Yes, Dominion KX’s configuration can be completely backed up for later
restoration in the event of a catastrophe. More commonly, this
functionality is also very useful for configuring multiple Dominion KX
units if you have not deployed Raritan’s CommandCenter centralized
management appliance (i.e., configure one unit completely, back up its
configuration, and then “restore” it to all remaining units).
Dominion KX’s backup and restore functionality can be utilized remotely
over the network; in fact, via a Web browser.
What auditing or logging
does Dominion KX offer?
For complete accountability, Dominion KX logs all major user events
with a date and time stamp. For instance, reported events include (but are
not limited to): user login, user logout, user access of a particular server,
unsuccessful login, configuration changes, etc
Can Dominion KX
integrate with syslog?
Yes, for your convenience, in addition to Dominion KX’s own internal
logging capabilities, Dominion KX can also send all logged events to a
centralized syslog server.
Can Dominion KX’s
internal clock be
synchronized with a
Yes, Dominion KX supports the industry-standard NTP protocol for
synchronization with either your corporate timeserver, or with any public
time server [assuming that outbound NTP requests are allowed through
your corporate firewall].
Does the power supply
used by Dominion KX
automatically detect
voltage settings?
Yes, Dominion KX’s power supply can be used in any AC voltage ranges
from 88–264 volts, at 47–63 Hz.