System-Level Security Parameters
Use these descriptions to change system-level security settings of your Dominion KX unit such as
encryption levels, idle time, share mode, and other parameters.
Important: Dominion KX must be rebooted before Network Configuration changes
take effect.
1. On the Setup menu, click Security, and then click Configuration. The Security Configuration
window appears.
Figure 33 Security Configuration Window
− Encryption mode – click on the drop-down arrow to select one of the following:
No encryption: No data encryption applied to network transmissions. Not recommended
except for closed Ethernet networks.
SSL authentication, NO data encryption: Usernames and passwords are secured, but KVM
transmissions are not. 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol provides a private
communications channel between Dominion KX and the Remote PC during initial connection
authentication. No encryption security in place during remote KVM data transfer.
SSL authentication, data encryption: Secures user names, passwords and KVM data,
including video transmissions. 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides a private
communications channel between Dominion KX and the Remote PC during initial connection
authentication. After authentication, KVM data is also transferred with 128-bit encryption, but
using a protocol much more efficient than SSL (RC4 encryption, but without SSL headers).
Raritan recommends this option.
SSL authentication, SSL data encryption: Secures user names and passwords, and provides
high-level security for KVM data. 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides a
private communications channel between Dominion KX and the Remote PC during initial
connection authentication. 128-bit SSL encryption is also in place during remote KVM data
transfer. Note that because the SSL protocol was not designed for KVM communication, this
mode is less efficient but no more secure than the recommended setting, above.
− PC Share Mode – Determines global concurrent remote access, enabling up to eight remote users
to simultaneously log on to one Dominion KX unit and concurrently view and control the same
target server through Dominion KX. Click on the drop-down arrow to select one of the following:
Private Mode (default): No PC Share. Each target server can be accessed exclusively by
only one user at a time.