
Quadra-Fire • QFP44 • 4051-300 Rev M • 09/0852
0 in.
0 in.
0 in.
Finish wall material may
be combustible - Top and
High Temperature Sealant (300° F/149° C min.)
Non-Combustible Zone
These joints
may be taped
and covered
with joint
B. Facing Material
The QFP44 is shipped with non-combustible material
in place. Do not cover or replace this non-combustible
material with combustible materials.
- The non-combustible front upper can be removed
if replaced with non-combustible materials. See
Section 1.E. for materials that may be used.
• Combustible nish wall material may be butted up to the
unit and the supplied non-combustible material of the
upper front.
- The unit is shipped with door templates attached.
The wall material should go behind the templates
and butt up to the edge of the unit. Refer to Figure
The joints at the non-combustible material may be taped
and covered with normal joint compound.
Seal joints between the  nished wall and appliance top
and sides using a 300 °F minimum sealant. Refer to
Figure 13.3.
WARNING! Risk of Fire! DO NOT apply combustible ma-
terials beyond the minimum clearances. Comply with all
minimum clearances to combustibles as speci¿ ed in this
manual. Overlapping materials could ignite and will inter-
fere with proper operation of doors and louvers.
Figure 13.3 Noncombustible Facing Diagram
A = 53 in. (1346 mm) min.
Non-combustible Mantel
12 in. (308 mm)
maximum depth
A = 66 in. (1676 mm) min.
Combustible Mantel
Figure 13.5 Minimum Mantel Heights
Figure 13.4 Facing Template
C. Facing Template Removal
There is a metal template on each side and across the
top of the door opening. See Figure 13.4. If using an
inside  t for the doors, do not remove the templates until
the facing material is installed. If you choose to use an
outside  t, the templates may be removed before install-
ing the facing material.
Side Templates – Remove the screws from the sides of
the door opening and set aside. Remove and discard
the template pieces.
Top Template – Loosen the screws across the top of the
opening. Slide the top template out, discard the template
and tighten the screws.
D. Mantel
The mantel may be constructed with combustible or non-
combustible materials as indicated in Figure 13.5
Sheetrock/wall material will have been installed (see
Figure 11.1) and the joints  lled as per Section 3.B.
If installing doors with an outside surface ¿ t, the facing
templates should be removed (retain the screws for
door installation) and non-combustible facing material
less than one inch thick may be brought to the edge of
the  replace opening. Doors will be mounted over the
facing material. The door frame is slotted to allow the
door to be mounted up to one inch from the surface of
the unit.
If installing doors with a recessed ¿ t, facing material
must be butted to the  anges of the facing templates
to allow doors to  t within the facing material. Once the
facing material is in place, the template must be removed
(retain the screws for door installation).