
No matter where we are or what we do, time is
constant. Take a look around you. The wall clock in
your office, your PC, your phone, your fax machine.
They probably are displaying different times. Even
discrepancies of a few seconds can lead to
organization-wide inaccuracies. And, time wasted
means lost productivity.
Pyramid has been a trusted name in the timing
business since 1969. All Pyramid products meet
high-quality industry standards and have undergone
meticulous field-testing. Now, Pyramid offers a totally
integrated and synchronized wireless solution that can
be up and running at your facility in just a few hours.
TimeTrax Sync from Pyramid lets you capture
exact time. Time source is captured from GPS
satellite signals or via the Internet in NTP (Network
Time Protocol) format. Adding an optional network
hub connects the transmitter to your servers, desktop
computers, time and attendance systems, phones,
your existing Simplex clock system, and other
components across your organization. With the proper
hardware, Pyramid’s wireless TimeTrax Sync can tie
into virtually any existing synchronized clock system.
YES . . . with the latest innovations from Pyramid, it’s
that simple and affordable to implement a complete
wireless synchronized solution throughout your facility.
Wireless Synchronization –
It’s simple with Pyramid.
Time & Attendance
Networked Phone
Networked PCs
Existing Wired Synchronized
Clock Systems
Signal Relay
Networked Servers
Optional Time