
TimeTrax Sync . . .
It’s so simple you’ll save
about half your time.
Our Wireless TimeTrax Sync Clock
system automatically maintains accurate
synchronized time throughout your building or
campus using GPS satellite technology. Say
goodbye to ladders and index fingers twirling
the hands to adjust each individual clock.
Your facilities management team and your
bottom line will be in sync better than ever.
I bet you are wondering about spring
ahead and fall behind right? The
satellite signal will automatically adjust
for Daylight Savings Time and power
outages without missing a tick so
you don’t have to.
What’s this mean for
your organization?
Facilities Management Staff
will no longer spend valuable time
maintaining clocks, freeing them
up for more time-pressing matters.
Risk Management Staff
will benefit from accurate time
records in hospital and healthcare
settings, which significantly reduce
the chance of critical care errors
and subsequent legal action.
School Administrators & Faculty
will benefit from accurate and on time
commencing and dismissing of classes,
resulting in optimum teaching opportunities
and less chaos in corridors between classes.
As For You . . .
Personally, you’ll get stress-free, low
maintenance wireless clock synchronization
. . . oh yeah, and peace of mind, too.