Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
REMOVE FROM CRADLE; Remove Mobile Unit from the
Advisory message. ---
ACQUIRING CRADLE BUS; Attempting to access the cradle
through the serial port you have
Advisory message. ---
Printer Out\nOf Range; Printer out of the coverage area. Most likely a range, access point or radio
issue. Troubleshoot the customer’s
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Connection Refused\nBy Host; You connected to the target host
but the host disconnected you.
Verify that the configuration file has the
correct Mobile Unit type and New
environment variable set. Fallback to the
Connect Default to verify the connection.
Connection Timed Out; You connected to the host but did
not logon in the appropriate time so
the host disconnected you.
Modify the Host parameters for login. ---
Connection Failed\nHost Not
Could not connect to the Host. Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Connection Failed\nHost Unreachable; Could not connect to the Host. Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Mobile Unit Out\nOf Range,
Unable\nTo Transmit;
Mobile Unit out of the coverage
Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Mobile Unit Out\nOf Range,
Unable\nTo Receive;
Mobile Unit out of the coverage
Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
Supported Equipment Manual
May, 2006