Terminal Setup
At the prompt, choose
Yes or No to download configurations. Choosing Yes is needed to
run in Telnet mode.
The following screen will appear.
Now, choose
Enter on the terminal, while choosing OK at the prompt above.
The files will transfer at this time. Watch the terminal to see that the correct files are
loading. Boot the terminal according to the following section. The Twin Client Manager
will then automatically manage the terminal software and configuration.
Booting the Terminal
At any time it is necessary to update the terminal software and/or configuration, the
terminal must be booted. To cold boot the terminal, turn the unit
Off, then press
Release all three keys simultaneously.
A warm boot is performed by pressing
A successful wireless connection is indicated by the display of the Twin Client main
menu shown below.
Twin Client
© 1991-2006, Connect, Inc.
Keypress to Continue
The date of 2006 is updated on the terminal at the time of a new release.
The terminal is now ready to establish a Telnet session with the host system.
Supported Equipment Manual
May, 2006