
Polycom® VVX® 300 and 310 Business Media Phones User Guide
To listen to voicemail messages:
1 Press , and select Message Center. Or, from Home view, select Messages, and
select Message Center.
2 If multiple lines are configured on your phone, the Line Select screen displays. Use the up
and down arrow keys to select the line that has the message.
3 From the Messages screen, press Connect and follow the prompts.
Viewing Recent Calls
Your phone maintains a Recent Calls lista list of missed, received, and placed. Each list can
hold up to 100 entries.
From the Recent Calls list (shown next), you can:
Sort, order, and filter calls (press Type). By default, the list displays all call types (missed,
placed, and received), with the most recent call displaying first, as shown next.
Remove certain calls from the list.
Select a call record to view call details and manage the call.
Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight an entry and press Dial to automatically call
the person.
Icons display next to a call to indicate the call type:
Placed calls display .
Received calls display .
Missed calls display .
To view your Recent Calls list:
From Home view, select Directories from Home view, and select Recent Calls.