Chapter 1: Getting Started
Enter a special character Select Encoding, and select one of the alphabetic (Abc,
ABC, or abc) options. Then, press the 1, *, 0, or # key one
or more times to enter one of the following special
• 1 key: ! | ‘ ^ \ @ : 1
• * key: . * - & % + ; ( )
• 0 key: / , _ $ ~ = ? 0
• # key: # > < { } [ ] “ ‘
Note: You can’t access special characters when you’re in
Enter a space Select Encoding, and select one of the alphabetic (Abc,
ABC, or abc) options. Then, press the 0 key.
Note: You can’t enter a space when you’re in numerical
(123) mode.
Delete one or more characters Using the left and right arrow keys until the cursor is
positioned to the right of the character(s) you want to delete.
Then, press .
Registering the Phone
Generally, your phone will be deployed with multiple other phones. In this case, your system
administrator will configure the phone parameters beforehand, so that after you set up your
phone, the phone will be registered and ready to use.
If your phone is not part of a large phone deployment, your phone may not be registered after
you set it up. Before you use your phone, you or your system administrator will have to register
Web Info: How to Register Your Phone
For detailed information on how to register your phone after you install it, see Registering
Standalone Polycom Phones (Quick Tip 44011)