Chapter 3 - Setting Defaults
H323 Participant -
Alias Type
Select the format of the alias from the drop down
list. Only E.164 and H.323 ID are supported.
SIP Address
sip: [user name]@[domain].
Note that the SIP URI adheres to URI rules: no
spaces or special characters such as commas,
quotation marks, inverted tags and so forth either
in the user name or in the domain part.
[To compare to H.323, which uses the endpoint location
for identifying the participant, in SIP participants can
change locations but still be addressed as long as they
continuously refresh their registrations with the proxy.
The proxy forwards invitees to their current location.
SIP Address
SIP URI: A SIP URI uses the format of an email
address, typically containing a username and a
host name, sip:user@host. For example,
TEL URL: "Tel" means that a voice call is opened.
TEL URL may be used when the UA does not
wish to specify the domain that should interpret a
telephone number that has been input by the user.
Rather, each domain through which the request
passes would be given that opportunity. As an
example, a user in an airport might log in and send
requests through an outbound proxy in the airport.
If they enter "411" (this is the phone number for
local directory assistance in the United States),
that needs to be interpreted and processed by the
outbound proxy in the airport, not the user's home
domain. In this case, tel:411 would be the right
H323 Participant -
Video Bit Rate
This option is enabled if the Auto Video Bit Rate
option is cleared. It allows you to specify the
specific video transfer rate (multiples of 100 bits/
sec is recommended) for the participants. This
option defaults to the conference setting when
adding a new participant during an On Going
Table 3-4: Participant Defaults - Settings2 parameters (Continued)
Option Description