MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
6. It is recommended to enter the user’s E-mail address, if the conference
default name format will be configured to include the E-mail address.
7. If the Ad Hoc Conferencing is configured on the MCU and
WebCommander users may start on going conferences using Ad Hoc
conferencing, define the Conference Creation properties as described in
“Conference Creation and Authentication Parameters” on page 5-26.
8. Click OK.
Assigning Users to Groups
Groups are used to increase the system security by allowing users to view
reservation and participant data only from groups to which they have access
Once the Groups are created, you may define the access rights of users to
each of the existing Groups in the group hierarchy. The definition can be done
either per Group or per User. When defining the access rights per user, you
select the groups that the user will be able to access. When defining the access
rights per group you select the users that will be able to access a certain
group. For more details regarding the Groups table and the assignment of
access rights to a Group, see “Defining Groups” on page 5-45.
To assign Users to Groups:
1. In the Browser area, click the Users icon to list the currently defined