
M2540-92000-01 A M2540 Ultrasound System Field Service Manual Page 137
Troubleshooting: Electromagnetic Interference
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can degrade the performance of the M2540A. Answering the
following questions can help locate the source of interference:
Is the interference intermittent or constant?
Does the interference appear with only one transducer or with several transducers?
Do two different transducers operating at the same frequency have the same problem?
Is the interference present if the system is moved to a different location in the facility?
Can the EMC coupling path be attenuated?
A transducer placed close to an ECG cable can increase interference. Moving the ECG cable
or other medical equipment away from the transducer can reduce interference.
Answers to these questions help determine whether the problem is with the system or with the
scanning environment. Contact your local Philips service representative with a full description
and your observations.