M2540-92000-01 A M2540 Ultrasound System Field Service Manual Page 112
Performance Tests: Resident Self Tests
• Extended Test: This is a comprehensive test of M2540A hardware. The test requires no
operator interaction while it executes. The test verifies detailed system operation with fault
isolation to the board level. This test reports only failures that adversely impact system
performance. See “Running an Extended Test” on page 115 for instructions on running
extended tests.
• Interactive Test: These tests verify operation of the system’s controls, and require your
participation. Included are tests of the display and system control panel. See “Running an
Interactive Test” on page 118 for instructions on running interactive tests.
Te s t i n g O p t i o n s
The left-hand panel under the RST Test tab contains three testing options and the Run button
that begins a selected test. When an interactive test begins, the Run button is grayed out.
NOTE The RST tests do not execute properly when a transducer is connected to the system.
Disconnect all transducers before beginning any RST testing.
The three test options are:
• Stop On Errors stops all tests when an error occurs. If this option is not enabled, the
selected tests run until completed. Any errors occurring during the tests are recorded in the
error log.
• Save Parameter Data saves the measured test parameters.
• Repeat Test Count defines the number of time tests are repeated. The default is one. A
value of zero runs tests continuously.