
Within a Format
When you define the graphic field within your format, the row and column
parameters represent where on the format to place the graphic image.
If you are placing a graphic (a logo, for example) within a certain area on
your supply, enter the starting position (bottom left corner) of the graphic
This label shows the triangle “logo” beginning (the bottom left corner) at
155, 33 as defined in the graphic field.
Defining the Graphic Header
Every graphic packet must contain a graphic header. This is the first thing
you enter. It identifies and provides important measurement and formatting
information for the graphic. Bitmap, duplicate, next-bitmap, constant text,
line, and box fields follow the graphic header, if they are used.
mode,"name" p
G1. G Graphic Header.
G2. graphID Unique number from 0 - 999 to identify the graphic image.
G3. action The action to perform to the graphic. Options:
A Add the graphic.
C Clear the graphic from t he printer.
4-10 Creating Graphics