
C5. font Style of font. Options:
1 Standard 5 HR1
2 Reduced 6 HR2
3 Bold 10 CG Triumvirate™ Typeface Bold 9 pt
4 OCRA-like 11 CG Triumvirate™ Typeface 6 pt
50 EFF Swiss Bold (scalable)
CG Triumvirate™ CG Triumvirate™
Typeface Bold Typeface Bold Cond
1000 6.5 pt 1006 6.5 pt
1001 8pt 1007 8pt
1002 10 pt 1008 10 pt
1003 12 pt 1009 12 pt
1004 18 pt 1010 18 pt
1005 22 pt 1011 22 pt
Letter Gothic Bold
1012 6pt 1013 9pt
Or a valid downloaded font selector number. Make sure t he downloaded
font is installed in the printer. Fonts 5 and 6 are for numeric data only.
Point sizes greater than 12 include only the following special characters:
All other point sizes use the whole symbol set. This information may not
apply to optional fonts.
C6. hgt mag Height magnifier, 1-7(times). With TrueType/scalable fonts, use 4 - 250
for the font’s point size.
C7. w id mag Width magnifier, 1-7(times). With TrueType/scalable fonts, use 4 - 250
for the font’s point size.
C8. color Options for standard printer fonts:
B Opaque, Normal, Black, Normal
D/R/W Opaque, Normal, White, Normal
O Transparent, Normal, Black, Normal
Options for scalable fonts:
A/N Opaque, Normal, Black, Bold
B/O Opaque, Normal, Black, Normal
E/S Opaque, Italics, Black, Bold
F/T Opaque, Italics, Black, Normal
Note: Solid black print should not exceed 30% on a given square inch of
the label, or the printhead life may be decreased.
2-16 Defining Fields