DSLAM Connections with remote CPE units 108
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 8 • 3086FR routed and bridged ATM connections
7. From the Configuration Menu, click on Configuration > Authentication > Create a new user > enter the
information for the following parameters in the webpage Details for the new user. One of these authentica
tion records is created for each remote end user connecting to the Server.
– Password:fredspass
– May dialin:true
– Comments: [may leave blank or enter any comments for this user.]
Click on the
Create button.
8. Go to G.SHDSL in the Configuration Menu, then the submenu Status. The Modem State should be
“deactivated.” (If not, go to the Action and change it to deactivate.)
Then in the Action submenu under G.SHDSL, change Action to Start, then click on Action.
IPoA Routed (RFC 1577)
User data in the form of IP packets is encapsulated into AAL-5 PDUs for transport over ATM. The fact that
the user data is routed at an IP layer instead of bridged at a MAC layer allows the source and destination to be
on different subnets. A notable drawback of IPoA is the lack of authentication and configuration that would be
provided by PPP.
Model 3086FR (Remote) Configuration Steps (IPoA Routed)
From the command line interface (CLI) via the RS-232 control port,
ip list interfaces
One IP interface was called ip1 with an IP address of Change the IP address so it is in the same
subnet as both PCs. For example, to The default IP mask is
ip set interface ip1 ipaddress