DSLAM Connections with remote CPE units 100
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 8 • 3086FR routed and bridged ATM connections
4. Click on Edit ‘ATM Channel.’
Verify the Options to match the following. (Change if necessary.)
–Tx Vci:800
–Tx Vpi:0
– Rx Vci:800
–Rx Vpi:0
– Peak Cell Rate:2000
–Burst Tolerance:0
– Sustainable Cell Rate:0
Click on the
Change button if changes were made.
5. Click on Edit ‘IP Interface.’
Verify or change if necessary the following Options parameters.
– Ipaddr:
– Mask:
Click on the
Change button if changes were made.
6. There is no gateway created in the IP routes submenu. Upon connecting, the server will provide this infor-
mation while setting up the PPP connection.
7. Go to G.SHDSL in the Configuration Menu, then the submenu Status. The Modem State should be
“deactivated.” (If not, go to the Action and change it to deactivate.)
Then in the Action submenu under G.SHDSL, change Action to Start, then click on Action.
Model 3086FR (Central—Server) Configuration Steps (PPPoA Routed)
1. From the command line interface (CLI) via the RS-232 control port,
ip list interfaces