Incompatible firmware revision
The FPGA firmware code contained in FLASH memory is not compatible with the controller
hardware and the drive cannot be used.
This message is likely if in future, customers update old hardware with the latest FPGA
firmware, which may require specific hardware to function.
The firmware will not allow an energise whilst this fault is present.
Unrecognised power stage
The power stage fitted to the drive is not recognised by this revision of firmware.
In this case, a customer may have down-graded their firmware. The required action is to
update the drive firmware to a version that supports the fitted power stage.
The firmware will not allow an energise whilst this fault is present.
Controller diagnostic failure
This is set if the controller fails one of its self test routines. Further diagnostic information is
available from the test commands.
The firmware will not allow an energise whilst this fault is present.
Output stage over current
This is monitored in hardware. The power stage will be de-energised by hardware and
report the fault condition to the drive firmware.
Indexed motion will be stopped instantly and the drive firmware will then set the de-energise
state in order to match the condition of the hardware.
If there is a user program running and the fault label is armed it will be run.
What might cause this fault?
The most common cause is poor or incorrect motor wiring. Other possibilities are a damaged
motor winding or damaged power stage.
Output driver over current
The output stages are monitored in hardware and this bit will indicate that a fault has
occurred (e.g. the output has been short-circuited).
Indexed motion will be stopped instantly and the drive will then de-energise.
If there is a user program running and the fault label is armed it will be run.
Tracking limit exceeded (Position Error)
For the ViXIM this drive fault indicates a stall condition, assuming stall detection is enabled.