Configuration Option Tables
7610-A2-GB20-10November 1997
Table A-5. Management Port Options (2 of 3)
Port Type
Possible Settings: Asynchronous, Synchronous
Default Setting: Synchronous
Establishes asynchronous or synchronous communication for the Management port.
H Port Type option can be changed only when Port Use is set to Net Link.
Asynchronous – Port set for asynchronous communication.
H Asynchronous displays when Port Use is set to Alarms and cannot be changed.
Synchronous – Port set for synchronous communication.
Clock Source
Possible Settings: Internal, External
Default Setting: Internal
Specifies internal or external clocking.
H Clock Source option appears when Port Type is set to Synchronous.
Internal – Clocking is provided internally.
External – Clocking is provided externally. The Management port is always defined as a
DCE. This option setting forces the Management port to use external transmit clocking
(XTXC or TT) from a connected device (DTE).
Data Rate (Kbps)
Possible Settings: 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4
Default Setting: 9.6
Specifies the Management port data rate in kbps.
H Data Rate (Kbps) option does not appear when Port Type is set to Synchronous
with Clock Source set to External.
2.4 to 38.4 – Selects a Management port data rate from 2.4 to 38.4 kbps.
H 2.4 kbps and 4.8 kbps only appear when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
Character Length
Possible Settings: 7, 8
Default Setting: 8
Specifies the number of bits needed to represent one character.
H Character Length option appears when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
7 or 8 – Sets the bits per character.
Possible Settings: None, Even, Odd
Default Setting: None
Specifies the Parity on the Management port.
H Parity option appears when Port Type is set to Asynchronous.
None – Provides no parity.
Even – Parity is even.
Odd – Parity is odd.