November 1997
Refer to Terminal Port Options, Table A-4. To reset Terminal port settings:
" Procedure
1. At the async terminal connected to the Terminal port, verify that the Terminal
port options are set to the default settings:
— Data Rate(Kbps) to 9.6
— Character Length to 8
— Stop Bits to 1
— Parity to None
2. Power the DSU Off and back On. The DSU performs a power-up routine.
3. Immediately after the OK LED turns on, press the Return key 5 times quickly
in succession. The System Paused screen appears.
4. Tab to the desired method, and enter yes (or y) for the selected prompt.
If entering yes to prompt . . .
Then all . . .
Reset Terminal Port Options Terminal port options are set to their factory
default values. Refer to Terminal Port Options,
Table A-4.
Reload Factory Defaults Factory default settings contained in the Default
Factory Configuration area are loaded in Current,
Customer 1, and Customer 2 configuration areas.
Any changes to configuration and control settings
will be replaced by the factory defaults.
If no (or n) is entered, or if no selection is made within 30 seconds, the DSU
returns to the condition or operation it was in when the system pause was
initiated, with the Terminal port data rate returning to its configured rate.
5. If yes (or y) is entered, the DSU resets itself and initiates a Device Self-Test.
Connectivity is restored and the Main Menu screen appears.