Welcome to the DP-6000/7000.*
Written with the new user in mind, these Operating Instructions provide all the necessary
information about operating the printer functions, installing the printer drivers as well as the setup
and operation when using this machine as a network printer. To get the most out of the machine,
please read this manual before using it. This manual is written with the assumption that you are
familiar with the basic knowledge and way of using your operating system. Refer to the manuals of
these products for information on them.
Note that this manual is written for users operating the DP-6000/7000 with a client computer
installed with an English edition operating system only, unless otherwise indicated.
Regarding the maintenance of this machine and copying functions, please see the Operating
Instructions (For Copier).
After reading, keep this manual handy for a quick reference should you encounter any difficulties
when using the machine.
In this manual, safety instructions are described with the symbol . Always read and follow these instructions
before performing the required procedure.
Reception interference:
When installed at a certain location, the machine may cause interference with radio and television reception. If
you notice flickering or distorted images or noises on your audio-visual units, your machine may be causing radio
interference. Switch it off, and if the interference disappears, the machine is the cause of radio interference.
Perform the following procedures until the interference is corrected.
• Move the machine and the TV and radio away from each other.
• Reposition or re-orientate the machine and/or the TV and radio.
• Unplug the machine, TV and radio, and replug them into outlets that operate on different circuits.
• Re-orientate the TV and/or radio antennas and cables until the interference stops. For an outdoor antenna, you
should ask your local electrician for support.
• Use coaxial cable antennas.
* DP-6000 USA/Canada only.