Setup for Windows Networking
7.4 Changing Printer and
Workgroup Name
If necessary, you will need to change the SMB printer and workgroup names. However, you cannot
change these names using the printer control panel. Instead, change them from Internet Services or
Windows host computer. This section describes the procedure to change these names from the
Windows host computer.
Refer to "Chapter 10 Using Internet Services" for details on operating Internet Services.
7.4.1 Through Windows Networking
You can change the SMB setting by accessing the file in the printer via the Windows
network from the host computer, and then changing the information there. However, only
the administrator is allowed to do this.
The procedure below explains how to overwrite the setting file (config.txt) at the first
instance. Subsequently, you will need to know the following items that have been set: SMB
Host Name, Workgroup, Administrator Name, and Administrator Password.
The factory setting of Administrator Name and Password of config.txt is both
Open Network Neighborhood from the Windows client computer, followed by
Workgroup (factory setting: Workgroup) and then the printer.
The factory setting of the host name of the printer is "FX-xxxxxx" (where
xxxxxx is the last three bytes of the Ethernet address of the printer). You can
confirm the name by referring to Host Name of SMB on the Printer Settings
Double-click the admintool folder.
The following dialog box will be displayed.
• For Windows 95/98/Me
• For Windows NT
4.0/Windows 2000