Chapter 2 : Basics 11
1 Application name: Displays the name of the currently open application. Drag down over
the app name to open the application menu.
2 Launcher: See Open an application in the Launcher.
3 Scroll arrow: Swipe up or down to see icons that are on the page but hidden.
4 Quick Launch: See Open an application in Quick Launch.
5 Connection icons: Show the status of wireless service connections and battery strength
(see Icons in the title bar). Tap the icons to open the connection menu.
6 Page indicators: Show how many Launcher pages are to the right or the left of the
currently displayed page. Swipe left or right on the screen to see other pages.
7 Notification icons: Show missed calls, new voicemail and email messages, and more. Tap
the bottom of the screen to view notification details (see View all your notifications).
Icons in the title bar
You can monitor the status of several items using icons in the area at the top
of the phone screen:
Table 1. Title bar icons and descriptions
Item Description
The battery is being charged.
The battery is fully charged.
The battery is low. See Charge the battery.
Airplane mode is turned on. This means that the phone,
Wi-Fi feature, and Bluetooth
wireless technology feature are
off (incoming calls go to voicemail). See Turn wirel ess
services off (airplane mode).
Wi-Fi is turned on. The number of filled-in bars denotes
signal strength. See Wi-Fi.
The phone is searching for a Wi-Fi network.
The phone is on. The number of filled-in bars denotes signal
strength. See Tu rn wirel ess ser vic es on .
Your phone is connected to a 1x data network. Data is not
currently being transmitted over the network.
Your phone is connected to a 1x data network and data is
being transmitted over the network.
Your phone is connected to an EvDO data network. Data is
not currently being transmitted over the network.
Your phone is connected to an EvDO data network and data
is being transmitted over the network.
Your phone is on and connected to the Verizon Wireless
The phone is searching for the Verizon Wireless network.
The Verizon Wireless network is not available.