104 Chapter 6 : Personal information
4 Do one of the following:
• To hide tasks you’ve completed, tap Hide Completed.
• To delete tasks you’ve completed, tap Delete Completed Tasks.
Delete a task or a task list
• Throw the task or task list off the side of the screen and tap Delete to
If you used the Data Transfer Assistant and imported notes from Outlook on
your desktop to your phone, those notes are in Memos. Your Exchange
Active Sync notes, however, do not sync. All memos are backed up to your
Palm profile.
Create a memo
1 Open Memos .
2 Do one of the following:
• Ta p New Memo .
• Open the application menu and tap Add A Memo.
3 Enter the memo text. Memos are saved as you type.
Find a memo
• In Memos, start typing any letters or numbers in the memo, and then tap
the memo when it appears.
NOTE The results of universal search that you access in Card view or the
Launcher do not include memos.
Edit a memo
1 Open Memos .
2 Tap the memo you want to edit.
3 Tap the screen to position the cursor (see Text selection gestures), and
edit the memo text.
NOTE In the application menu, tap Edit > Copy All to select the whole
Change the color of a memo
Color-code your memos to help you recognize memos of a certain type. For
example, make all of your grocery lists blue.
1 Tap the mem o.