Getting and reading e-mail
The maximum size of an incoming message is 5KB by default. The
maximum message size that you can retrieve using a Palm Wireless
connection is 60KB for the body text and any attachments. The maximum
message size that you can retrieve using a network connection is 60KB for the
body text and 2MB total, including attachments.
4. Tap OK.
The Getting Messages dialog box shows updates as your e-mail is downloaded.
When the Getting Messages dialog box disappears, a new dialog box displays
the number of new e-mail messages.
5. Tap OK.
A list of your e-mail appears in the Inbox.
For your or Business account,
you can set up Notification options to
notify you when new messages arrive. You can choose how you are notified—for
example, by a special sound or by the handheld’s blinking indicator light.
See “Setting notification options for your account” in Chapter 2 for more
Shows unread/total
Displays the time for
messages received today and
the date for all other
Icons indicate
whether a message
or subject has been
downloaded or has