Revision History
A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front cover of the manual.
Cat. No. W318-E1-4
Revision code
The following table outlines the changes made to the manual during each revision. Page numbers refer to the
previous version.
Revision code Date Revised content
1 April 1997 Original production
2 November 1997 Corrections and modifications resulting from the upgrade to “-V1.”
Information on the SYSMAC-CPT Support Software added throughout the
Page 41: Second operand display for step 10 corrected.
3 April 1999 Corrections and modifications resulting from the upgrade to “-V2.”
4 May 2000 Added Section 6 Expansion Memory Unit.
Updated Precautions.
Page 3: Added information on the CPM1-EMU01-V1 Expansion Memory Unit.
Page 12: Removed “1G” and “15G” from the table.
Pages 38 to 58, 62, 63, and 71: Corrected contents of displays.
Page 83: Removed notes from the table.
Page 86: Added models related to the CX-Programmer and Expansion Memory Unit.