Example In the following example, the FPD(––) is set to display the bit address and mes-
sage (“ABC”) when a monitoring time of 123.4 s is exceeded.
HR 15
SR 25315
Address Instruction Operands
00000 LD 25315
00001 MOV(21)
# 4142
HR 15
00002 LD 25315
00003 MOV(21)
# 430D
HR 16
00004 LD LR 0000
00005 FPD(––)
# 8010
# 1234
HR 10
00006 AND 25504
00007 INC(38)
DM 0100
00008 LD 10000
00009 OR 10001
00010 LD NOT 10002
00011 OR NOT 10003
00012 AND LD
00013 OUT LR 0015
HR 10
HR 16
SR 25504
(CY Flag)
SR 25315
LR 0000
DM 0100
10000 10002
10001 10003
LR 0015
FPD(––) is executed and begins monitoring when LR 0000 goes ON. If LR 0015
does not turn ON within 123.4 s and IR 10000 through IR 10003 are all ON,
IR 10002 will be selected as the cause of the error, an FAL(06) error will be gen-
erated with an FAL number of 10, and the bit address and preset message
(“10002–1ABC”) will be displayed on the Peripheral Device.
HR 10 0000
HR 11 0000
HR 12 0000
HR 13 0000
HR 14 0000
HR 15 4142
HR 16 430D
HR 17 0000
HR 18 0000
HR 10 C000 Indicates information, normally closed condition
HR 11 2031 “1”
HR 12 3030 “00”
HR 13 3032 “02”
HR 14 2D31 “–1”
HR 15 4142 “AB”
HR 16 430D “C”, and CR code
HR 17 0000 The last two words are ignored.
HR 18 0000 (Displayed as spaces.)
Flags ER: T is not BCD.
C is not a constant or the rightmost two digits of C are not BCD 00 to 99.
Indirectly addressed DM word is non-existent. (Content of :DM word is
not BCD, or the DM area boundary has been exceeded.)
CY: ON when the time between the execution of FPD(––) and the execution
of a diagnostic output exceeds T.
Special Instructions Section 5-25