Description INT(89) is used to control interrupts and performs one of 8 functions depending
on the values of C and N. As shown in the following tables, three of the functions
act on input interrupts, three act on the scheduled interrupt, and the other two
mask or unmask all interrupts.
Interrupt Value of C INT(89) Function Comments
000 Mask/unmask input interrupts
Bits 00 to 07 of D indi-
001 Clear input interrupts
cate inputs 00 to 07.
002 Read current mask status Status written to D.
000 Set interrupt interval
001 Set time to first interrupt
002 Read interrupt interval
The following 2 functions depend on the value of C only.
Value of C INT(89) Function
100 Mask all interrupts
200 Unmask all interrupts
This function is used to mask and unmask input interrupts 00 to 07. Masked in-
puts are recorded, but ignored. When an input is masked, the interrupt program
for it will be run as soon as the bit is unmasked (unless it is cleared beforehand by
executing INT(89) with C=001 and N=000).
Set the corresponding bit in D to 0 to unmask or to 1 to mask an I/O interrupt
input. Bits 00 to 07 correspond to 00 to 07.
This function is used to clear I/O interrupt inputs 00 to 07. Since interrupt inputs
are recorded, masked interrupts will be serviced after the mask is removed un-
less they are cleared first.
Set the corresponding bit in D to 1 to clear an interrupt input. Bits 00 to 07 corre-
spond to 00 to 07.
This function is used to write the current mask status for input interrupts 00 to 07
to word D. The corresponding bit will be ON if the input is masked. (Bits 00 to 07
correspond to 00 to 07.)
This function is used to set the interval between scheduled interrupts. The con-
tent of D (BCD: 0001 to 9999) is multiplied by the scheduled interrupt time unit
(1 ms or 10 ms) to obtain the scheduled interrupt interval.
The scheduled interrupt time unit is set in DM 6622 of the PC Setup. Refer to
3-6-4 PC Setup
for details on setting this time unit.
This function is used to set the time to the first scheduled interrupt. The content
of D (BCD: 0001 to 9999) is multiplied by the scheduled interrupt time unit (1 ms
or 10 ms) to obtain the time to the first scheduled interrupt. The scheduled inter-
rupt time unit is set in DM 6622 of the PC Setup. Refer to
3-6-4 PC Setup
details on setting this time unit.
Be sure to set the time to the first interrupt. If this setting is not made, the interval
to the first interrupt (set with N=004, C=000) will be uncertain.
Use the First Cycle Flag (SR 25315) for the execution condition to INT(89) when
setting the time to the first interrupt (C=001). The scheduled interrupt might nev-
er occur if the C=001 setting is made continuously.
This function is used to write the current setting for the scheduled interrupt inter-
val to word D.
This function is used to mask or unmask all interrupt processing. Masked inputs
are recorded, but ignored. The masked inputs will be serviced as soon as they
are unmasked. This function masks or unmask all interrupts at the same time
and is independent of the masks created with other functions.
The control data, D, is not used for this function. Set D to #0000.
Mask/unmask Input
Interrupts (N=000, C=000)
Clear Input Interrupts
(N=000, C=001)
Read Current Mask Status
(N=000, C=002)
Set Interrupt Interval
(N=004, C=000)
Set Time to First Interrupt
(N=004, C=001)
Read Interrupt Interval
(N=004, C=002)
Mask/Unmasking All
Interrupts (C=100/200)
Subroutines and Interrupt Control Section 5-23