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Service Guide OJ2010
Chapter 2 Principles of Operation
2.1.07 Power On Self Test (POST) Sequence
When the printer is powered ON, the Power On Self Test (POST) Sequence occurs.
Correct POST
The correct POST sequence is listed below.
1. The power light comes on.
2. The carrier moves over the maintenance station and seals the printheads.
3. The paper feed gears turn.
4. All motors stop and the power light stays on.
If the unit DOES NOT complete POST, refer to the POST Symptom Table in Section Four of this Service
Handbook and perform the indicated action.
If you are troubleshooting, and the unit completes the POST with no errors, refer to the Symptom Tables,
Section Four of this Service Handbook.
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Partner Exchange (BPX) for any updates to this material. (http://bpx.okidata.com)