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Service Guide OJ2010
Chapter B Illustrated Parts Listing
The format for this appendix is a series of tables with diagrams. The tables contain the item reference
number, the Okidata part number and Okidata control number, the part description, a comments section,
and the disassembly procedure.
The format for this appendix is a series of tables with diagrams. The tables contain the item reference
number, the Okidata part number and Okidata control number, the part description, a comments section,
and the disassembly procedure.
Please refer to the Definition of Terms section of this Appendix for definitions for the comments that may
appear in the comments section of the tables.
Items with the comments RSPL (Recommended Spare Parts List), Consumable, Document, or Option are
available from Okidata. Items without these comments are usually not stocked.
Some items are only available as assemblies. Every effort has been made to clearly indicate which items
are in assemblies and which are not.
N/A will appear where a part number is not available.
Copyright 1997, Okidata, Division of OKI America, Inc. All rights reserved. See the OKIDATA Business
Partner Exchange (BPX) for any updates to this material. (http://bpx.okidata.com)