
C: Command Summary
Epson FX Command Summary
Epson Command ASCII Hexadecimal Decimal
Printer Operation/Data Control
Configuration Group
Select CFG1 ESC DLE J P1 1B 10 4A P1 01 27 16 74 P1 1
P1 = 0: command valid SOH
P1 = 1: command invalid
Select CFG2 ESC DLE J P1 1B 10 4A P1 02 27 16 74 P1 2
P1 = 0: command valid STX
P1 = 1: command invalid
Delete DEL 7F 128
Emulation Mode, Select
Epson FX ESC { @ 1B 7B 40 27 123 64
IBM Proprinter ESC { NUL 1B 7B 00 27 123 0
OKI Microline Standard ESC { ! 1B 7B 21 27 123 33
MSB Control
Cancel MSB control ESC # 1B 23 27 35
Set MSB equal to 0 ESC = 1B 3D 27 61
Set MSB equal to 1 ESC > 1B 3E 27 62
Paper-Out Sensor
Disable ESC 8 1B 38 27 56
Enable ESC 9 1B 39 27 57