Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Registration 1 Change the setting as required to obtain the All Set-Up
through best registration for bi-directional printing.
Registration 7 Each time you press OPTION, the next
setting appears on the display and the
printer prints a sample showing the
alignment for that setting. Press STORE to
select the setting with the best alignment
(asterisk appears next to the setting)
before exiting the menu.
Reset Inhibit Change to Yes to prevent your software All Set-Up
from resetting your printer’s settings.
SI Pitch (10) Sets the pitch to be engaged when the IBM only Set-Up
printer control panel is set for 10 cpi and
the SI command is received.
SI Pitch (12) Sets the pitch to be engaged when the IBM only Set-Up
printer control panel is set for 12 cpi and
the SI command is received.
Size Change to Double for double width and All Font
height printing.
Skip Over Perf. Change to Yes if you want the printer to All Rear Feed,
go to the next page when it comes within Front Feed
1" (25 mm) of the bottom of the page.
Keep it set to No if your software has its
own page formatting controls.
Style Change to italics if you want the printed All Font
characters to be slanted.
Time Out Print If your software spends a long time pro- All Set-Up
cessing between portions of data it feeds
to the printer, change the setting to Invalid
to keep your printer from printing the
received data while it is waiting for more.
Width Control Used to limit printhead travel. Select All Set-Up
Mode 1 to wrap print lines which exceed
the width of the paper. Select Mode 2 to
cut off the end of print lines which exceed
the width of the paper.
Zero Character If you do not want the printer to use a slash All Symbol Sets
to distinguish a zero from the capital letter
O, change the setting to Unslashed.