Camera (Menu 7)
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11. C amera (Menu 7)
With the phone’s built-in camera,
you can take a photo and save the
photo to the Gallery menu or attach
the photo to an entry in your
contacts list. The camera lens is on
the back of the phone, and the
display of the phone works as a
viewfinder. The camera produces
JPEG images.
■ Take a
1. At the standby
screen, select
Menu > Camera
> Standard
photo, Portrait
photo or Night mode and press
Standard photo — When you
want to take normal landscape
Portrait photo — When you want
to take a smaller icon-sized,
vertical photo, which can be
added to an entry in your
contacts list.
Night mode — To take a photo
when the lighting is dim and the
camera needs a longer exposure
time for the photo to be of good
2. Press Capture to take the photo.
When taking a photo, a shutter
sound is heard. The phone saves
the photo in the Images folder of
the Gallery menu. The saved
photo is shown on the display.
3. Select Back to take another
photo, or press Options and
choose from one of the
Zoom — Get a closer look at the
captured photo; use the
Four-way scroll key to navigate
around the photo.
Delete — Erase the captured
photo from the Images folder in
the Gallery menu.
Send — Send this photo
Rename — Enter or edit the name
of the captured photo and press
Open Gallery — Open the Images
folder in the Gallery menu.
Change mode — Change from
Standard photo to Portrait
photo or vice versa.
Set contrast — Use the Scroll
right key or Scroll left key to
adjust the contrast of the
captured photo.