NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 26 ni.com
Function Prototype
long niTuner_CalGetCalibrationDateAndTime
char resourceName[],
int calType,
unsigned int* month,
unsigned int* day,
unsigned int* year,
unsigned int* hour,
unsigned int* minute
This function returns the date and time of the last calibration performed on the NI PXI-5600.
Pass properly allocated variables to the time information parameters of interest and some
form of NULL or 0 otherwise.
Name Description
resourceName[] The device number of the NI PXI-5600 obtained from MAX
expressed as DAQ::<device number>
calType The calibration type to read:
0 = Internal—the results of an internal, or self-calibration.
Self-calibration is not supported by NI PXI-5600.
1 = External—the results of an external calibration. Always set this
value to 1 for the NI PXI-5600.
month The month of the last calibration
day The day of the last calibration
year The year of the last calibration
hour The hour of the last calibration
minute The minute of the last calibration