© National Instruments Corporation 21 NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure
• numberOf Steps = 277
• index = current index of the loop (first iteration is 0)
The return value is the frequency of the current loop iteration.
b. On the signal generator, set the frequency to the frequency value
returned (in Hz) by
niTuner_CalGetStepFrequency in
step 6a.
c. Call
niTuner_CalSetFrequency and set the frequency of the
NI PXI-5600 to the frequency value returned in step 6a.
d. Set channel B on the power meter to the frequency value returned
in step 6a.
e. Wait 200 ms for the signal generator and the power meter to settle.
f. Acquire channels A and B on the power meter. Send them as
parameters to
with the following inputs:
• IFOutputPower = channel A power (in dBm)
• RFInputPower = channel B power (in dBm)
• calibrationProcedure =
2 (RF frequency response
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the remaining calibration iterations,
changing the signal generator amplitude and the NI PXI-5600
parameters as shown in Table 8 for each iteration.
8. Call
niTuner_CalCloseExternalCalibration to end the
calibration session. Set action to
0 to commit your changes, or to 1 if
you want to cancel without saving.
You have completed the adjustment procedures for the NI PXI-5600
Reverification Procedures
After completing the adjustment procedures, repeat the procedures in the
Verification Procedures section to ensure that the NI PXI-5600 is operating
within its specifications after calibration.
NI-TUNER Calibration API Function Reference
This section contains descriptions of the specific calibration functions
described in this document. For information in the NI-TUNER functions
used in the Verification Procedures section, refer to the NI-TUNER
Reference Help. The possible return values for the calibration functions are
described in the Calibration Error Codes section.