© National Instruments Corporation 9 NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure
Verification Procedures
Calibration includes both verification and adjustment procedures. To
determine if the NI PXI-5600 requires adjustment, you must verify the
temperature correction coefficient, the internal reference frequency, and
the absolute and relative amplitude accuracy.
If the NI PXI-5600 fails any of the verification tests, complete the
procedures described in the Adjustment Procedures section.
Note Refer to the Connections section for a diagram of how to set up the test instruments
for these verification procedures.
Verifying the Temperature Correction Coefficient
Note Before you begin this verification procedure, you must ensure that the temperature
of the NI PXI-5600 is below 30 °C and that the temperature does not reach 30 °C before
step 7.
To verify the temperature correction coefficient, write a program that
includes the following steps:
1. Call
niTuner_CalInitializeExternalCalibration to open
the calibration session.
2. Call
niTuner_CalGetCurrentTemperature to determine the
current temperature correction coefficient (TempCo
3. Call
niTuner_CalSetAttenuation with the following parameters:
• refLevel =
• mixLevel =
4. Call
niTuner_CalSetClockSource and set the clock source to
5. Wait 8 s for the NI PXI-5600 to lock to the external rubidium source.
6. Call
niTuner_CalGetLockState to determine whether the
NI PXI-5600 has locked to the external rubidium source. The lock
state must be
1 (or TRUE).
7. Call
niTuner_CalGetCurrentTemperature to read the
temperature of the NI PXI-5600. Wait for the temperature to
reach 30 °C.
Note If the temperature of the NI PXI-5600 exceeds 30 °C, abort the calibration session,
power off the PXI chassis, and wait for the temperature to drop below 30 °C.