NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 14 ni.com
12. Obtain the calibration factor to use in step 13:
♦ LabVIEW Programming
a. Use the
niTuner GetCal VI with the correct for attenuation
parameter set to
b. Call
SmtCalculateCorrection with the following inputs:
• actual spectrum settings—contains the adjusted values for
the following parameters:
– center frequency = actual IF frequency returned by
niTuner_setFreq in step 6
– number of spectral lines =
– span = –1.00
– RBW = –1.00
– window type = 7 Term Blackman-Harris
• units = dBm
• calibration array = the calibration factors returned by
niTuner_getCal in step 12a
The output of this function is an array of correction factors.
c. Use the value at index 0 from the array of correction factors as the
calibration factor in step 13.
♦ C/C++ Programming
d. Call
niTunerVerify_GetCorrectionFactor with the
following inputs:
• taskId—the task ID returned by
niTuner_init in step 1
• actualRFTunedFrequency—the actual adjusted RF center
frequency returned by
niTuner_setFreq in step 6
e. Use the correction factor output of the function from the step 12d
as the calibration factor in step 13.
Note You can find the function niTunerVerify_GetCorrectionFactor under
CVI\niTunerVerify.c in the calibration files you downloaded with this document.
13. Add PWRA (from step 10), the temperature correction factor
(from step 11), and the calibration factor (from step 12), to obtain
14. Calculate the difference between PWRA
and PWRB.
Note If the frequency you are testing is 100 MHz, store the result from step 14 as