Following are brief descriptions of terms and features used herein that may be unfamiliar to you. Some of the features
are programmable options that may or may not apply to your particular system.
System Trouble - A problem (low
battery, power failure, etc.) detected
in the system.
Trouble - A zone fault; an open
door, window, or other problem that
may prevent arming.
User Code - Your personalized
code for arming and disarming the
system. It may contain up to six
Zones - Independent circuits that
protect specific areas of the
• Auto-Bypass Zone: A zone
that will be automatically
bypassed from the protection
system if it is in trouble (faulty)
when the system is armed.
• Burglary Zone: Detects
• Day Zone: A zone that will
cause a visual and audible
indication at the keypad if it is
in trouble while disarmed.
• Exit/Entry Follower Zone:
Provides exit and entry delay
for interior devices. Entry
delay only occurs if re-entry
takes place through the
normal exit/entry door first.
• Fire Zone: Detects fire
alarms or trouble conditions.
• Interior Zones: Circuits
within the premises, usually
including space-protection
devices, interior doors, etc.;
but not exterior doors or
• Priority Zone: A zone that
prevents arming if in trouble.
• Priority Zone with Bypass:
A Priority Zone that can be
bypassed using the
• Selective-Bypassed Zone:
A zone that can be individually
bypassed pressing
followed by the zone number.
• 24-Hour Zone: A zone that is
armed and ready at all times
to respond to an emergency