Following are brief descriptions of terms and features used herein that may be unfamiliar to you. Some of the features
are programmable options that may or may not apply to your particular system.
Stay mode (hold down P). (2)
Quick arming in Away mode (hold
Exit/Entry Delays - Separate
delays that let you exit and enter your
premises without setting off an alarm
when the system is armed.
Instant Protection - Arming
without entry delay pressing and
holding the
P button while
remaining in the premises.
Keypad - Puts control-panel
functions at your fingertips. It can be
mounted anywhere in your premises.
Manager's Mode - In a partitioned
system, a low-security operating
mode that allows arming by area.
Panic Buttons - Blue buttons on
the keypad (
G and 7,
8 or 9). If enabled,
G together with 7,
8 or 9 will alert the central
station of a fire, auxiliary, or police
Partitioned System - A system
that has been subdivided into two or
more (up to eight) independent
subsystems (areas).
Pre-Alarm Warning. - A keypad
sounder alert of an impending alarm.
This option is programmable by zone
for the same duration as that
programmed for Abort Delay (see
Abort Delay).
Report - A transmission to a central
station notifying of a change in the
status of the system (alarm, trouble,
low battery, etc.).
RF Low Battery - (Wireless
systems only) Weak transmitter
RF Supervisory - (Wireless
systems only) Periodic test report
from transmitter (if a report is not
received on time, a supervisory-
failure system trouble will result).
Ringback - A beep after arming
verifying the central-station's receipt
of a closing report.
Service Code - A code intended for
temporary use.
Sounder - A local warning device
at each keypad to alert that (a) entry
delay has started; (b) an attempt was
made to arm with a zone in trouble;
(c) a Day-Zone condition exists (see
Zones: Day Zone); (d) 10 seconds
exit time remaining; (e) invalid code
entered; or (f) central station
acknowledged arming (see