MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
Defined values Meaning
“SM” SIM message storage
“ME” Phone message storage
<used1> Total number of messages currently in <mem1>
<used2> Total number of messages currently in <mem2>
<total1> Total number of message locations in <mem1>
<total2> Total number of message locations in <mem2>
+CSCA Service centre address
Syntax AT+CSCA=<sca> [,<tosca>] .
AT+CSCA? returns selected service centre address. The response is +CSCA:
<sca>,<tosca> .
Error codes is returned as +CMS ERROR: <err>:
Description The AT+CSCA command selects the service centre address through which
messages are transmitted.
Defined values Meaning
<sca> Service Centre Address in string format
<tosca> Type of Service Centre Address octet in integer format
+CR Service reporting control
Syntax AT+CR=<mode> used to set reporting.
AT+CR? Returns <mode>
The response is +CR: <mode>
AT+CR=? for a list of supported modes
The response is +CR: (list of supported <mode>)
Error codes is returned as +CME ERROR: <err>:
Description The AT+CR command controls whether or not intermediate result code +CR:<serv>
is returned from the modem to the computer. If enabled, the intermediate result code
is transmitted at the point during the connect negotiation during which the modem
has determined the speed and quality of service to be used, before any error control
or data compression reports are transmitted, and before any final result code (e.g.,
CONNECT) is transmitted.
Defined values Meaning
0 Disables reporting
1 Enables reporting
+CRC Cellular result codes
Syntax AT+CRC=<mode> used to set cellular result codes.
AT+CRC? Returns <mode>. The response is +CRC: <mode>.
Enter AT+CRC=? for a list of supported modes. The response is +CRC: (list of
supported <mode>).
Error codes is returned as +CME ERROR: <err>:
Description The AT+CR command controls whether or not the extended format incoming call
indication is used. When enabled, an incoming call is indicated to the TE with the
unsolicited result code +CRING: <type> instead of the normal RING.