MultiMobile SoftGSM User Guide
V Result code format
Syntax ATVn where n is as follows.
Description The ATV command selects in which format the result codes from the modem are
displayed. This value is stored in S-register 14 bit 3.
ATV0 Result codes are displayed in short form (numeric).
ATV1 Result codes are displayed in long form (text). This is the default.
Q Result code responses
Syntax ATQn where n is as follows.
Description The ATQ command enables or disables the sending of result codes to the DTE.
This value is stored in S-register 14 bit 2.
ATQ0 Result codes are returned to the DTE. This is the default
ATQ1 Result codes are not returned to the DTE.
W Error correction and speed reporting
Syntax ATWn where n is as follows.
Description The ATW command controls which speed and error correction messages are
returned by the modem CONNECT message. The setting of S95 overrides this
command. This value is stored in S-register 31 bit 2 and 3.
ATW0 The CONNECT message shows the DTE speed.
ATW1 The CONNECT message shows line speed, error correction protocol and
DTE speed in that order.
ATW2 The CONNECT message shows the line speed.