
If your CD recorder is defective, it is wise to check this list
first. You may have forgotten a simple step.
Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair
the CD recorder yourself as this will invalidate the
• possible solution:
NNoo ppoowweerr
• ensure that the ON/OFF button is on (red led
on): the CD Recorder is in standby mode,
press any key to activate it
• ensure that the mains cable is plugged in
• switch the recorder OFF and then
immediately back ON
AAuuttoo ttrraacckk ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk
• check if auto track on is selected in the menu
• check if there are 2.7 seconds silence in
between the tracks (analog recording only)
• check if the source is a consumer source with
the digital output according to the IEC audio
• source is DVD player (no track information)
NNoo ssoouunndd
• check the audio connections
• if using an amplifier, try using a different
AAmmpplliiffiieerr ssoouunndd iiss ddiissttoorrtteedd
• check that the CD recorder analog output is
not connected to the amplifier Phono input
PPllaayy wwiillll nnoott ssttaarrtt
• ensure that the label of the CD is facing up
• clean the disc
• check that the disc is not defective by trying
another disc
RReemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk
• point the remote control towards the CD
• check the batteries and replace if necessary
• select the correct source first
WWiillll nnoott rreeccoorrdd
• clean the disc
• check if CDR(W) is an unfinalized disc
• check that the disc is recordable and replace
if necessary
• the disc is not an AUDIO disc (WRONG
• wrong input source chosen. Input label
flashing (CHECK INPUT)
• text memory full (MEMORY FULL/
FINALIZE CD). When a CDRW has to be
unfinalized for recording. Erase text for other
disc(s) or finalize other disc(s) to obtain
memory space
• total remaining time not sufficient, try
programming tracks (see programming)
RReeccoorrddiinngg iiss ddiissttoorrtteedd
• make sure the recording level is correct
2200 sseeccoonndd ppaauussee bbeettwweeeenn rreeccoorrddiinnggss
• see Autostart recording from external CD
player (CD-SYNC)
PPllaayyeerr ddooeess nnoott rreeaacctt
• switch the ON/OFF button on the front of the
player off and back on
oonn ddiissppllaayy
• a power failure has occurred during
recording, the CD recorder is attempting to
repair the disc
• if DISC ERROR then appears on the
display, the disc cannot be recorded further,
and cannot be finalized. But it can still be
played on the CD recorder or another CD
• on a CDRW disc, the track being recorded is
lost, but further recording and finalization can
still be done